Main Street Hudson Ohio
Chimney Sweep and Repair Services for Hudson OH
If you are wondering, where is the best Chimney sweep near me in the Hudson, Ohio area? Look no further, with 40 years of experience as a chimney pro, Tiny Tom Chimney Repair & Cleaning Specialists, is the local chimney sweep you need to give you the detailed service you desire. Tiny Tom Chimney Repair Services is your local chimney sweep expert who provides full-service chimney repair services.
Tiny Tom's Chimney and Repair Services starts with a roof walk, chimney and tuck point inspection then they check your firebox and provide you with an estimate for chimney repair costs. Tiny Tom Chimney Sweep Repair & Cleaning are specialists in all areas of chimney repair services and fireplace safety from firebox and tuck point repair to creosote removal and duct cleaning, they can do it all. Tiny Tom's uses the latest in high-tech, chimney cleaning, repair and fire prevention solutions. Because of their aptitude in chimney repairs, they catch problems early, save you money, aggravations and prevent costly restorations. This, in combination with Tiny Tom's crew doing routine maintenance, will sustain the health of your chimney and fireside providing you with comfort and peace of mind.
Go enjoy a day browsing in The Learned Owl Book Shop or visit Case Barlow Farm. Meanwhile, we will clean and repair your chimney or fireplace and when you return home, youíll know it is soot-free and safe.
Stop by one of Hudson Ohio's fine restaurants like One Red Door or Zeppe's Pizzeria or maybe you'd prefer to road trip to Stow, Ohio for a scoop of Handel's Homemade Ice Cream and Yogurt. When Our staff at Tiny Tom Chimney Repair & Cleaning, visits your home, we will bring professional, dedicated, skilled chimney sweepers who offer the absolute best in fireplace services including contracting, remodeling, animal removal or firebox improvements. We can do it all.
Tiny Tom Chimney Repair and Cleaning Specialists is a fully authorized, professional, company following strict compliance with fire safety codes & standards. If you need chimney cleaning and repair or a firebox revamp, in the Hudson, Ohio area, call us for a free estimate. We look forward to providing you with the help you need.
Tiny Tom Chimney Sweep Cleaning & Repair Services
Call us at 800-788-8469